Apr 7 T. Strahm (Bern, visiting Stanford)
Recent results in metapredicative
proof theory, II
Apr 14 R. Kahle (Univ. of Tübingen, visiting Stanford)
Universes over Frege structures
Apr 28 G. Mints (Stanford)
Interpolation theorems
for intuitionistic predicate logic
May 5 S. Feferman (Stanford)
Logic, Logics, and Logicism
May 12 G. Mints (Stanford)
Reductions of finite and infinite proofs
May 19 S. Tupailo (Stanford)
Finitary reductions for local predicativity, II:
recursively Mahlo ordinals
June 2 J. van Benthem (Stanford and Amsterdam)
Information Transfer in Chu Spaces
The seminar takes place on Tuesdays at 4:15 PM in the room 381-T, Mathematics Department (building 380).
Apr 24 M. Balaguer (Cal State, Los Angeles)
A fictionalist account of
the indispensable applications of mathematics
May 1 J. Corcoran (SUNY Buffalo)
Information-theoretic logic
and transformation-theoretic logic
May 8 L. Anderson (Stanford)
Contextualizing Kant's Philosophy
of Mathematics
May 15 J. van Benthem (Stanford and Amsterdam)
Deconstructing Tarski's Semantics for Predicate Logic,
or: the secret world of decidable first-order logics
June 5 K. St. John (Santa Clara University)
Random Bit Strings
(12:15 PM, Room 381-T)
Logic lunch takes place on Fridays at 12:00 PM in the room 383-N, Mathematics Department (building 380).
May 7 A. Macintyre (Oxford and Edinburgh, visiting MSRI)
Exponential-algebraic real
numbers, Schanuel's Conjecture, and The Decision Problem for Real Exponentiation
June 9 E. Hrushovski (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, visiting MSRI)
The geometry of difference equations
Department of Mathematics Colloquium takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in the room 380-W, Mathematics Department (building 380).