Sergei Tupailo Finitary reductions for local predicativity, II: recursively Mahlo ordinals We will present a method of extracting finitary reductions for a theory stating existence of recursively Mahlo ordinals. The method is the same as for a theory of strength of ID_1, presented at this seminar last quarter (see ), but of course presence of Mahlo makes proof-theoretical analysis itself (by either infinitary or finitary approach) more involved. Our treatment of infinitary variant of the theory essentially follows M. Rathjen's analysis of KPM [Ra91]. Since extracting finitary reductions follows completely standard method and was presented by G. Mints at last seminar and ourselves on February 24 in some detail, we will not talk much about it but only outline some general features involved there. REFERENCES [Ar97] T. Arai. Proof theory for theories of ordinals, I-III. Preprints, 1996-97 [Ra91] M. Rathjen. Proof theoretic analysis of KPM. Arch. Math. Logic, 30:377-403, 1991 [Tu98] S. Tupailo. Finitary reductions for local predicativity. Preprint, 1998