Spring Quarter 2008

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April 1 Eric Pacuit (Stanford)
Universal Type Spaces and Assumption-Complete Belief Models
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

April 15 Grigori Mints, David Taylor (Stanford)
Review of Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects, by Kit Fine: Part I
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

April 22 Grigori Mints, David Taylor (Stanford)
Review of Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects, by Kit Fine: Part II
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

April 29 Solomon Feferman (Stanford)
Operational Set Theory and “Small” Large Cardinals
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

May 6 Vladimir Lifschitz (Texas-Austin)
Logic Programming and the Logic of Here-and-There
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

May 13 Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam, on leave visiting IBM-Almaden)
Abstract Model Theory for Extensions of Modal Logic
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

May 20 Steven Krantz (AIM, WUSTL)
Evolution of the Proof Concept
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

May 23 Sergei Tupailo (Tallinn, Stanford)
Consistency of Strictly Impredicative NF
(time: TBA, room: TBA)

May 27 Grigori Mints (Stanford)
Cut Free Formulation of a Quantified Logic of Programs
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

June 3 Jesse Alama (Stanford)
(Title TBA)
(time: 16:15-17:30, building 80 room 115)

o Past Seminars and Lunches
o Logic at Stanford