The literature on the epistemic foundations of game theory uses a
variety of mathematical models to formalize talk about the players'
beliefs about the game, beliefs about the rationality of the other
players, beliefs about the beliefs of the other players, beliefs about
the beliefs about the beliefs of the other players, and so on. A
recurring issue involves defining a space of all possible beliefs of
the players and whether such a space exists. Studying this issue led
Adam Brandenburger and H. J. Keisler to a Russell-style paradox which
shows that no such space exists if the players' beliefs (about the
other players' beliefs) are assumed to be definable in first-order
logic. We will discuss this paradox and related issues. Review of the book Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects by Kit
Fine. The book describes modification of familiar semantics for first
order logic suitable for systems with existential instantiation rule:
From (∃x)A(x)
infer A(b). The modification looks complicated, but
can be clarified by connecting with Skolem functions and epsilon
symbols. We hope to discuss philosophical implications of this
semantics and its possible connections with other work by Kit
Fine. Review of the book Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects by Kit
Fine. The book describes modification of familiar semantics for first
order logic suitable for systems with existential instantiation rule:
From (∃x)A(x)
infer A(b). The modification looks complicated, but
can be clarified by connecting with Skolem functions and epsilon
symbols. We hope to discuss philosophical implications of this
semantics and its possible connections with other work by Kit
Fine. “Small” large cardinal notions in the language of ZFC are those large cardinal notions whose existence is consistent with V = L. We have the original (1) and analogues (2-7) of small large cardinal notions in:
The long term aim is to develop a common language for small large
cardinal notions to include 1–7. This is a program in progress;
at present it is shown how to cover 1–3 in an expansion of the
language of set theory to allow us to talk about general set
theoretical operations (possibly partial); the large cardinal notions
in question are then formulated in terms of operational closure
conditions. This is a partial adaptation of Explicit Mathematics
notions to the set-theoretical framework. The approach is illustrated
for inaccessibles, Mahlo cardinals and weakly compact cardinals. An
open problem is to formulate a general reflection principle from which
these and other standard “small” large cardinal statements
follow. The concept of a stable model was proposed twenty years ago as a
tool for defining a declarative semantics for logic programs with
negation. This talk is a survey of recent research on the mathematics
of stable models. This work showed, in particular, that stable models
are closely related to a much older idea -- to the three-valued
superintuitionistic logic, called the logic of here-and-there, which
was invented by Heyting in 1930. Many languages used in computer science (e.g., in knowledge
representation, XML querying, system verification) are extensions of
modal logic. But what does it mean to be an ‘extension of modal
logic’? There are at least three different dimensions along
which basic modal logic can be extended: In this talk I will discuss each of these three dimensions, with a
special focus on the second, and I will also discuss some interesting
interactions between them. The central question is to what extent we
can extend modal logic while preserving its attractive model theoretic
and computational properties. The genesis of the notion of proof in mathematics seems to be lost
in the sands of time. We remark on how mathematical proof developed,
and what it is today. Of particular interest is how our idea of proof has changed in the
past 50 years. The Appel-Haaken proof of the four color theorem,
Hales's proof of the Kepler sphere-packing problem, Perelman's proof
of the Poincare conjecture, Thurston's proof of the geometrization
program, and many others suggest that our accepted concept of proof
continues to evolve. These changes have taken place alongside an
increased communication among mathematicians, engineers, physicists,
and biomedical researchers. Probably this is not a coincidence, and
the causality is worth exploring. An instance of Stratified Comprehension is called strictly impredicative iff, under minimal
stratification, the type of x is 0. Using the technology of
forcing, we prove that the fragment of NF based on strictly
impredicative Stratified Comprehension is consistent. A crucial part
in this proof, namely showing genericity of a certain symmetric
filter, is due to Robert Solovay.
Universal Type Spaces and Assumption-Complete Belief Models
Review of Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects, by Kit Fine: Part I
Review of Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects, by Kit Fine: Part II
Operational Set Theory and “Small” Large Cardinals
Logic Programming and the Logic of Here-and-There
Abstract Model Theory for Extensions of Modal Logic (slides)
Evolution of the Proof Concept
Consistency of Strictly Impredicative NF
∀x1…∀xn∃y∀x (x∈y ↔ φ(x,x1,…,xn))