The talk reviews some new and old developments reported in this
interesting symposium. Most axiomatizations of set theory that have been treated metamathematically have been based either entirely on classical logic or entirely on intuitionistic logic. But a natural conception of the set-theoretic universe is as an indefinite (or “potential”) totality, to which intuitionistic logic is more appropriately applied, while each set is taken to be a definite (“or completed”) totality, for which classical logic is appropriate; so on that view, set theory should be axiomatized on some correspondingly mixed basis. Similarly, in the case of predicative analysis, the natural numbers are conceived to form a definite totality, while the universe of sets (or functions) of natural numbers are viewed as an indefinite totality, so that, again, a mixed semi-constructive logic should be the appropriate one to treat the two together. In the first part of the talk I will present ways of formulating such semi-constructive systems of analysis and set theory and survey some results characterizing their proof-theoretic strength. Interestingly, though the logic is weakened, one can usefully strengthen certain principles. In the second part of the talk I will go into the questions on that basis of what constitute definite properties of sets and definite statements about sets.
It might be hoped that a good theory of definiteness and indefiniteness would help settle the status of such statements as the Continuum Hypothesis but we are far from any such result. Following the work of K. Gödel published in 1958, C. Spector gave in
1962 a remarkable characterization of the provably recursive functionals of
full second-order arithmetic (a.k.a. analysis). Spector’s interpretation relies on a form of well-founded recursion known as bar-recursion. Spector’s
interpretation is rather indirect, via the negative translation. We reprove
Spector’s result avoiding the passage through intuitionistic logic, relying instead on the very simple direct interpretation of Peano arithmetic given by
J. Shoenfield in 1967. More specifically, finite-type Peano arithmetic, extended with the bar-recursive functionals and the quantifier-free axiom of
choice, proves the principle of dependent choices and, therefore, full numerical comprehension.
The bounded functional interpretation was introduced in 2005 by P.
Oliva and the present author. In its version for classical arithmetic, it is
an interpretation which “injects” some non set-theoretical uniformities into
Peano arithmetic. The interpretation refutes extensionality as well as simple forms of comprehension for number theoretical functions. Nevertheless,
due to its Soundness Theorem, the interpretation is able to extract correct
uniform bounds from certain theorems of mathematics (and this opens the
way to possible contributions to Proof Mining).
We recently showed that the bounded functional interpretation is compatible (via bar-recursive functionals) with full numerical comprehension.
[The above reported work is in collaboration with P. Engrácia.]
I'll review two recent papers by Yuri Manin applying Hopf algebra
renormalization, a technique for taking a continuum limit that
originated in quantum field theory, to the process of computation.
The connection between the two fields is the notion of a string
diagram, a pictorial description of a process that takes one state of
a system to another.
Yuri I. Manin Renormalization and Computation I: Motivation and
background, arXiv:0904.4921v2
Yuri I. Manin Renormalization and Computation II: Time Cut-off and the
Halting Problem, arXiv:0908.3430v1
Category-theoretic language is used in many areas of mathematics and even
physics. One of the entrances to this area for a logician is via
interpretation of morphisms as proofs, more precisely as natural
deductions or (almost the same) Gentzen-style sequent derivations. In
particular we explain
how symmetric monoidal closed categories correspond
in this sense to multiplicative linear logic, that is to proofs without
contraction and weakening rules. A general framework connecting
categorical notions (functors, natural transformations) with
proof-theoretical transformations (like cut-elimination) is presented. For
example logical connectives are functors and
the relation
F(1_A,1_B)=1_{F(A,B)} means that axiom F(A,B)->F(A,B) can be broken into
the axioms A->A and B->B. We also explain how proof theory have been used
to obtain results in category theory, e.g. to derive coherence theorems
from normalization theorems.
The associated paper can (temporarily) be found here.
By analogy with group theory as an abstraction of symmetry,
geodesic theory can be thought of as an abstraction of momentum.
Groups are relatively complicated, having operations xy of
multiplication, x-1 of inverse, and a unit
e, satisfying (xy)z = x(yz), xe = ex = x, and xx-1 = x-1x = e.
A geodesic space has only the one operation xy of extension
satisfying xx = x, xyy = x, and xyz = xz(yz) where xyz abbreviates
(xy)z. The value of x0x1 is the next point x2 along a
geodesic ...x-1, x0, x1, x2, x3, ... A fourth equation
xywz = xzwy amounts to Euclid's Parallel Postulate in algebraic form,
characterizing the flat or affine spaces.
Many kinds of manifolds are representable as geodesic spaces,
including hyperbolic and elliptic spaces. Any group is made a geodesic
space by defining extension xy as the group product yx-1y.
Many number systems such as integers, rationals, complex numbers, and
quaternions arise as free geodesic spaces on two generators, while
various negatively curved tilings and positively curved polyhedra
arise as quotients of the free space on three generators. A curious
3-point geodesic obtained from Z4 = {-2, -1, 0, 1} by identifying
-2 and 0 serves as an edge, allowing all undirected graphs
to be represented as geodesic spaces. Lastly, sets are definable as
those geodesic spaces satisfying xy = x, making geodesic theory no
less suitable than set theory as a foundation for mathematics.
What's definite? What's not?
Bar-recursive intepretations of classical analysis
Renormalization and Computation
Category Theory and Proof Theory
Geodesic theory
Abstract momentum in curved space