Department of Mathematics
Winter quarter 1999


January 12 Nikolaj Bjorner (Kestrel)
Presentation of Ch. 6 of "Vicious Circles"

January 19 Patrick Scotto di Luzio (Stanford)
Presentation of Ch. 7 of "Vicious Circles"

January 26 Dominic Hughes (visiting Stanford)
Presentation of Ch. 8 of "Vicious Circles"

February 2 Sol Feferman (Stanford University)
Ch. 9 of "Vicious Circles" (construction of a model of AFA)

February 9 Sol Feferman (Stanford University)
Ch. 9 of "Vicious Circles" (construction of a model of AFA)

February 16 Grigori Mints (Stanford University)
Ch. 10 of "Vicious Circles"

February 23 Nikolaj Bjorner (Kestrel)
The chapter on streams and coinduction from "Vicious Circles"

March 9 Patrick Scotto di Luzio (Stanford)
Ch. 13, The Semantical Paradoxes, from "Vicious Circles"

Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 4:15 PM in room 381-T,
Mathematics Department (building 380).


February 5 Paolo Mancosu (U.C. Berkeley)
Between Russell and Hilbert: Behmann on the Foundations of Mathematics

February 12 Richard Zach (UC Berkeley)
Completeness before Post: Hilbert and Bernays on Propositional Logic, 1917-18

February 19 Grigori Mints (Stanford)
Partial Proofs and Cut Introduction

Februrary 26 Carolyn Talcott (Stanford)
Reasoning about Actor Systems

March 5 Peter Mosses (SRI)
Algebraic Specifications and Non-Extensional Set Theory

Logic lunch takes place on Fridays at 12:00 PM in room 383-N,
Mathematics Department (building 380).


Department of Mathematics Colloquium takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in the room 380-W, Mathematics Department (building 380).

o Past Seminars
o Logic at Stanford