April 10 Martin Davis (US Berkeley)
Godel's Legacy
Room 200-303 3:15PM
April 13 Grigori Mints (Stanford)
Chapters 1-4 of M. Fitting, R. Mendelsohn, First-Order Modal Logic
April 20 Richard Zach (Stanford)
Chapters 4-6 of M. Fitting, R. Mendelsohn
April 27 Johan van Bentham (Stanford & Amsterdam)
Modal Patterns in Science
Seminars take place on Fridays 3:15-4:30 PM in room 50-52H,
Building 50 (Asian Languanges and Critical Thinking).
Logic lunch takes place on Fridays at 12:00 PM in room 383-N,
Mathematics Department (building 380).
Department of Mathematics Colloquium takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in the room 380-W, Mathematics Department (building 380).