April 4 Sol Feferman (Stanford)
On the strength of some systems with numerical omniscience scheme
April 11 Johan van Benthem (Univ. of Amsterdam and Stanford)
Logic and Games: close encounters of the third kind. Part I
April 18 Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam and Stanford)
Logic and Games, Part II
April 25 Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam and Stanford)
Logic and Games, Part III
May 2 Matthew Frank (Univ. of Chicago visiting Stanford)
What Mathematics Owes to Quantum Mechanics: the work of John von Neumann, 1927-1932
May 9 Matthew Frank (Univ. of Chicago visiting Stanford)
Ergodic Theory and Spectral Theory from a Constructive Point of View
May 25 Arnold Beckmann (Univ. of Muenster, visiting UCSD)
Ordinal notations and well-orderings in bounded arithmetic
Special time: Thursday 4:15, Room TBA
May 30 Double Feature
At 4:15: Sergei Tupailo (Univ. of Berne)
Realization of Constructive Set Theory into Explicit Mathematics
At 5:15: Michael Rathjen (Leeds Univ.)
Prospects of Ordinal Analysis
Seminars usually take place on Tuesdays at 4:15 PM in room 381-T,
Mathematics Department (building 380).
March 31 Ursula Martin (University of St. Andrews, visiting SRI)
Computational logic in support of mathematics: why and how
May 5 Jeffrey Zucker (McMaster University)
Abstract versus Concrete Models of Computation on Partial Metric Algebras
May 19 Rick Tieszen (San Jose State Univ.)
Gödel and the Intuition of Concepts
Logic lunch takes place on Fridays at 12:00 PM in room 383-N,
Mathematics Department (building 380).
Department of Mathematics Colloquium takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in the room 380-W, Mathematics Department (building 380).