Department of Mathematics
Fall quarter 1998


Sep 29 Goldon Plotkin (University of Edinburgh)
Binding Algebras: A step from universal algebra to type theory

Oct 6 Grigori Mints (Stanford University)
Axiomatization of a Skolem function in intuitionistic logic

Oct 27 William Tait (University of Chicago)
A Transfinite SandReckoner: Constructing cardinals from below

Nov 3 Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research and University of Michigan)
The Logic of Choice

Nov 10 Sol Feferman (Stanford University)
Higher classes in explicit mathematics; four applications to constructivity

Nov 17 Vaughan Pratt (Stanford University)
Danos-Regnier semantics and the dialectic lambda-calculus

Nov 24 Grigori Mints (Stanford University)
Classical Multiplicative Linear Logic = Intuitionistic MLL

Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 4:15 PM in room 381-T,
Mathematics Department (building 380).


Oct 2 Greg Restall (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Costing Non-Classical Solutions to the Paradoxes

Oct 16 S. Vassilyev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk)
Automated Proving and Hypothesizing

Nov 6 W.W. Tait (University of Chicago)
The completeness of Intuitionistic first-order logic

Nov 13 Alan Woods (University of Western Australia)
The number of Boolean functions defined by formulas of a given size

Nov 20 Tom Costello (Stanford University)
The Expressive Power of Circumscription

Dec 4 Daniel Lehmann (Hebrew University)
Nonmonotonic Logics and Semantics

Logic lunch takes place on Fridays at 12:00 PM in room 383-N,
Mathematics Department (building 380).


Department of Mathematics Colloquium takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in the room 380-W, Mathematics Department (building 380).

o Past Seminars
o Logic at Stanford