Autumn Quarter 2007

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October 2 Grigori Mints, Tomohiro Hoshi (Stanford)
Solving Logical Equations in Monadic Logic
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

October 9 Sergei Tupailo (Tallinn, Stanford)
NF and Indiscernibles in ZF
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

October 16 Jesse Alama (Stanford)
A Formal Proof of Euler's Polyhedron Formula
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

October 23 Alistair Isaac (Stanford)
The Roots of Sleeping Beauty: A Procedure for Converting Diachronic Uncertainties into Synchronic Uncertainties
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

October 30 David Fernandez (Stanford)
Three Dynamic Topological Logics and their Very Different Complexities
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

November 6 No seminar

November 13 Solomon Feferman (Stanford)
Will-o'-the-wisp? In Pursuit of a Foundation for Unrestricted Category Theory
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

November 27 Bill Rounds (Michigan, Stanford)
Clausal Logic over Scott Domains with an Application to Feature Constraint Systems
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

December 4 Eric Pacuit
The Tree of Knowledge in Action
(time: 16:15, room: 420-048)

o Past Seminars and Lunches
o Logic at Stanford