We review Petr Hajek's 2002 paper "Monadic Fuzzy Predicate Logics" starting with the syntax and semantics of Lukasiewicz, Godel, product, and basic fuzzy logics. We then consider, for monadic fragments of these logics, the set of tautologies (TAUT), satisfiable formulas (SAT), finite model tautologies (fTAUT), and finite model satisfiable formulas (fSAT).
Particular results include: the sets TAUT=fTAUT and SAT=fSAT in monadic Lukasiewicz logic are recursive, fSAT is recursive in Godel logic, and fSAT is recursive in monadic product logic.
We will review the paper of the title, which explains how to formalize a certain forcing argument in RCA_0. The paper uses this to give an effective proof that WKL_0 is conservative over RCA_0 with only a polynomial increase in proof length.
The system M1 of modal mu-calculus has been introduced by G.Jaeger and
T.Studer and proved to be sound and complete for a suitable Kripke
semantics and admit a cut-free formulation using Buchholz's Omega-rule.
We show that simpler rules based on the equivalence between P and the
disjunction V_k A^k(false) for the fixpoint P\iff A(P) are also sound and
complete and admit cut-elimination. Even simpler proof (using an idea due
to W. Pohlers) shows that complete cut-elimination for derivations of
arbitrary sequents is possible in the Omega-calculus for ID1.
The modal mu-calculus may be a serious candidate, not
just for describing computation, but also for other tasks
that modal logics have been used for, such as abstract
analysis of provability. I will give a brief tour of some
recent results in this area: (a) connections between
the mu-calculus and Goedel-Loeb provability logic, (b)
extending modal correspondence theory to mu-calculus.
References: J. van Benthem, 2005, 'Minimal Predicates,
Fixed-Points, and Definability, Journal of Symbolic
Logic 70:3, 696-712. J. van Benthem, 2006, 'Modal
Frame Correspondences and Fixed-Points', Studia
Logica 83:1, 133 - 155. J. van Benthem, N. Bezhanishvili
& I. Hodkinson, in progress, 'Sahlqvist Correspondence
for Modal Mu-Calculus', ILLC Amsterdam & IC London.
Smorynski's 1973 "Elementary Intuitionistic Theories" provides a survey of decidability and undecidability results in the intuitionistic setting. I will present on the paper's major negative results, including the undecidability of the predicate calculus on a single monadic predicate (originally due to Maslov, Mints, and Orevkov, with a semantic proof by Gabbay) and Lifshits's results on the undecidability of the intuitionistic theories of equality and normal equality.
Takeuti and Titani refer to I-valued logic (where I is the closed real interval [0,1]) as intuitionistic fuzzy logic (IF) and I-valued set theory as intuitionistic fuzzy set theory (ZF_{IF}). In their paper (Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Theory, JSL 49, 3, 1984, 851-866) they:
Then in the second section they
They also discuss Powell's innermodel, but we aim to present simply 1 to 5.
This will be an exposition of the main ideas and results of the paper by S. Feferman and R. L. Vaught, "First order properties of products of algebraic systems", Fundamenta Mathematicae 47 (1959), 57-103.* A notion of generalized product of algebraic systems over an index set I was introduced in the paper that has a variety of sums and products used in the literature as special cases. The main result reduces the 1st order properties of a generalized product of systems to the 1st order properties of the component systems in the product combined with the properties of a certain boolean algebra of subsets of the index set I. This has a number of preservation and decidability results as a consequence.
* The paper is available online here. For an exposition in slides by Ting Zhang, a former CS Stanford student, see here.
1. axiomatize the intuitionistic fuzzy logic IF,
2. prove consistency and strong completeness of IF
3. present the intuitionistic fuzzy set theory ZF_{IF} and
develop a calculus for it
4. present a sheaf model of ZF_{IF}, $V^I$
5. show that the classical forms of Rolle's theorem,
the mean value theorem, and Taylor's theorem hold in their model.