First CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction 2012
June 1-3, 2012 Cordura Hall, CSLI, Stanford University
First CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction 2012
June 1-3, 2012 Cordura Hall, CSLI, Stanford University
The purpose of this new initiative is to bring together researchers interested in contacts between logic, philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, cognitive science, and economics to discuss new dimensions emerging today, such as knowledge, information, computation, and interactive agency.
Workshop Program (continued)
Saturday, June 2
Logic and Computation
Chair: Vaughan Pratt
9:15 - 10:00 Ronald Fagin (IBM Almaden)
“Finite-Model Theory: A Personal Perspective”
10:05 - 10:50 Enrique Casanovas (Barcelona)
“Model Theory and Stability:
From Classification Theory to Neostability”
10:50 - 11:05 break (coffee and snacks)
11:05 - 11:50 Ron van der Meyden (New South Wales)
“Knowledge and Causality in a Multi-Agent System”
11:55 - 12:40 Balder ten Cate (UC Santa Cruz)
“Schema Mappings”
12:40 - 1:40 lunch
Five Slides Session
1:40 - 1:55 Shane Steinert-Threlkeld (Stanford)
“Towards Semantic Automata for Polyadic Quantifiers”
1:55 - 2:10 Bert Baumgaertner (UC Davis)
“Cognitive Science and Vagueness”
Language and Cognition
Chair: John Perry
2:15 - 3:00 Noah Goodman (Stanford)
“Probabilistic Pragmatics and Semantics”
3:05 - 3:50 Dan Lassiter (Stanford)
“Getting Dynamic in Church”
3:50 - 4:05 break (coffee and snacks)
4:05 - 4:50 Seth Yalcin (UC Berkeley)
“Bayesian Modalities?”
4:55 - 5:40 John MacFarlane (UC Berkeley)
“Objective and Subjective Oughts”
5:45 - 7:30 dinner and party
Sunday, June 3
Learning and Philosophy of Science
Chair: Michael Friedman
9:15 - 10:00 Simon Huttegger (UC Irvine)
“Probe and Adjust”
10:05 - 10:50 Kevin Kelly (Carnegie Mellon)
“A Logical Explanation of Ockham’s Razor
in Theory Choice”
10:50 - 11:05 break (coffee and snacks)
Reasons and Intentions
Chair: David Israel
11:05 - 11:50 John Horty (Maryland)
“Common Law Reasoning”
11:55 - 12:40 Yoav Shoham (Stanford)
“The Intentional Calendar”
12:40 - 1:25 lunch
Five Slides Session
1:25 - 1:40 Justin Vlasits (UC Berkeley)
“The Space of Epistemic Possibilities
without Logical Omniscience”
1:40 - 1:55 Julian Jonker (UC Berkeley)
“Imprecise Credences”
Knowledge and Method
Chair: Anna-Sara Malmgren
2:00 - 2:45 Tamar Lando (Columbia)
'Gunk' and the Probabilistic Semantics for Modal Logic
2:45 - 3:00 break (coffee and snacks)
3:00 - 3:45 Wes Holliday (Stanford)
“New Pictures of Knowledge and Deduction”
3:50 - 4:35 Sherrilyn Roush (UC Berkeley)
“Reasoning and the Growth of Error”
We hope to start a tradition of discussion-oriented outreach meetings that will help create a community across disciplines and universities, including senior and junior participants.
Johan van Benthem, Peter Hawke, Wes Holliday,
Tomohiro Hoshi, Thomas Icard, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
All sessions of the Workshop will take place in Cordura Hall 100 at the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), located at the intersection of Campus Drive West and Panama Drive on the Stanford Campus. See this map.
Parking on weekends is free in the standard “A” and “C” zones. There is a parking lot L-21 directly across Panama Street from CSLI (see the parking map) and a larger parking structure S-2 south on Panama Street.
If you have questions about public transportation to CSLI, please contact one of the organizers.
Workshop Program
Friday, June 1
Agency and Games
Chair: Tom Wasow
10:00 - 10:45 Giacomo Bonanno (UC Davis)
“Do We Need Counterfactuals in Game Theory?”
10:50 - 11:35 Yossi Feinberg (Stanford)
“Strategically Speaking”
11:40 - 12:25 Johan van Benthem (Stanford & Amsterdam)
“Logic + Game Theory = Theory of Play”
12:25 - 1:25 lunch
Information Dynamics
Chair: Valeria de Paiva
1:25 - 2:10 Logical Dynamics Lab, CSLI (Stanford)
“Fine-Structure in Information Dynamics”
Five Slides Session
2:15 - 2:30 Peter Hawke (Stanford)
“Communication and Joint Ability”
2:30 - 2:45 Sonia Miruna Memetea (British Columbia)
“Extending Logical Dynamics to
Dempster-Shafer Theory”
Logic and Proof
Chair: Sol Feferman
2:50 - 3:35 Grigori Mints (Stanford)
“Failure of Interpolation for Intuitionistic Logic
of Constant Domains”
3:35 - 3:50 break (coffee and snacks)
3:50 - 4:35 John Mumma (Stanford)
“Intuition Of and Intuition That with Euclidean
Geometric Diagrams”
4:40 - 5:25 Paolo Mancosu (UC Berkeley)
“Axiomatics and Purity of Methods: On the
Relationship between Plane and Solid
5:30 - 7:00 dinner